Sunday, September 15, 2024

September 15 - “Back in the dirt”

was back playing in the dirt again yesterday, first thing. The pavers are coming along, slow but sure. I have three or four more rows to go. Saving those for another day. 

I did have to stop for a while at one point. I had a phone call from a good friend from days past. Ken lived in Galveston when we moved here. In fact, he was leading singing at Seaside the first Sunday we visited - in his bathing suit! He had just come from fishing and hadn’t had time to change. That was an early clue that Seaside was gonna be a great fit for me. 

Chris grabbed the weedeater and finished up the lawn work. Looks really good. She also used to opportunity to water all her outside plants. They look good, too. I’m so glad she has the green thumb in the family. 

Now on to the latest in the refrigerator saga. We went back to Home Depot to get the paperwork detailing the canceled order. That went swimmingly. Then we steeled our inner “Are we really doing this again,” and headed back to the appliance department. It took a while, but we finally found one we liked that was a different brand (GE, NOT Whirlpool!). They found one in black … somewhere. And by “somewhere” I mean whatever black hole it takes three more weeks to get out of. Yep. New delivery date: October 5. This is some sort of record, isn’t it?  Meanwhile, as I have requested before, pray for that small fridge that is doing double duty!

Last night we made a quick trip over to a nearby establishment to help honor our friend, Chuck Willett. He was a groomsman in our wedding, and before that he became my friend when he was the counselor at my high school. There were quite a few others there celebrating him. He made quite the impact on a lot of lives. Love ya, Chuck!

Psalms‬ ‭18‬:‭2‬ ‭ says, The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my mountain where I seek refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Father, thank you for the really helpful sales person at Home Depot. She did go out of her way for us. Bless her for that. Amen. 

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