Sunday, November 29, 2020

November 29 – “Professional Phamily Photo Phenomenon”

Ah, Saturday.  THE Saturday.  The day of our Professional Phamily Photo Phenomenon.  And we awoke to rain.  Lots of rain.  And the prospects for the morrow?  More of the same.  Or if not, then a change to blustery coldness.  It looked like the photo session was in serious jeopardy.


We didn’t worry about it right away, though.  Too much else going on.  I mean, we HAD to watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas, right?  And April really outdid herself.  When she arrived she brought with her some potato salad, a casserole, a cheese ball, and who knows what else.  And Nathan brought over a flounder that he stuffed and prepared for baking for Chris.  Add that to the speckled trout and flounder fillets courtesy of Mr. Bob the Seasider that became the center of the fish fry, and we had quite the feast for the eighteen of us. 


Oh, and Chris and I had a mini-photo shoot of our own.  We took pics wearing our brand new t-shirts.  They were a gifts from our friends, the Huntley’s.  Official Hallmark Channel Movie Watching Shirts.  Even had a little sticker on the shoulder indicating they were shipped with the official Hallmark Housekeeping Seal of Approval.  Thank you, Larry and Diane.


When it became apparent that the pro photo shoot was not going to happen – emails were exchanged, and the cancellation was made official – we were resigning ourselves to the hope of a random, accidental picture of at least most of us.  Chris was saddened, of course, but she is learning every day more and more about not stressing over things outside of her control. 


When out of the blue I received a text.  It was from Lauren, the Seasider.  She was offering to come over and take some family pictures for us.  She just figured that since the weather was bad the other photo shoot wouldn’t happen, and she knew Chris really wanted a family picture.  And Lauren used to work for a photographer.  And she had a really good camera.  She would be here in thirty minutes.  Yikes.  The announcement was made, and the flurry of activity began.  Nathan and April ran home to change.  Bodies were being clad in the selected, Mom-approved gear.  By the time Lauren arrived, the transformation was amazing.  So amazing that Kel had even grown a head of hair.  You’ll have to wait for the pictures on that one.  Lauren did a great job arranging us in several poses, and better yet, she got some really silly (as well as some really sweet) candid shots as well.  The photo shoot was saved. 


After the shoot the kids scurried up into the attic to get down our Christmas decorations.  I think Cailyn was the one actually up there.  She would push boxes down and the assembly line of Zak, Micah, Jachin, Caleb, Josiah, and Luke would receive them and haul them to the family room.  In there, Aunt Christina spearheaded efforts to get the tree put together.  Cailyn, Noa and AnnaGrace got the lights all strung, with the help of Aunt Christi and Aunt April and occasionally Uncle Kel. 


Just before dark Uncle Nathan took the older guys to the park.  Uncle Josh joined them soon after.  No, not to play on the swings or slide down a slide.  It was time for Airsoft Wars.  After all, the Turkey Bowl was canceled due to unplayable conditions with all the rain.  SOMETHING had to take its place, right?  And who better to come up with a “Something” than the infamous Uncle Nathan?  And throw in Uncle Josh … a pair of uncles.  Can’t beat that hand for all out fun with airsoft guns.  They all came back, too.  No visible casualties.  Wet and tired, but happy. 


Nani hopes to have some further help with tree and house decorating this afternoon.  I’m just hoping we get enough done so that we can get some help putting all those boxes back in the attic.  Otherwise they will end up stacked in the garage until after Christmas sometime. 


Psalms 95:6 says, “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.”


Father, thank you for all those who had a hand in making our family Thanksgiving truly a family happiness gathering.  Bless the Huntley’s and Lauren and Mr. Bob for all contributing more than they realize.  And as for this family?  You did really good there.  Amen.

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