Sunday, November 1, 2020

November 1 – “But the memories …”

We hit the road around 7:30 a.m. headed for Waco.  Why so early?  Because Caleb had a soccer game at noon, and we were determined to see at least some of it.  We didn’t drive straight through.  We had to do our traditional stop at Bucees for a potty break.  Well, and to just stretch my aching back.  We were there in time for a nice brunch, though.  Bacon, egg and cheese taco.  Nice.  And we bought a little tiny stuffed animal Bucky Beaver Christmas tree ornament. 


The bustling town of Calvert was having a farmer’s market or something when drove through.  Downtown was absolutely packed.  Must have been fifteen or twenty people there.  More than we have ever seen.  We almost stopped, but futbol was calling. 


We made it in time to see most of the game.  Sadly, the good guys lost 1-0.  But they played a great game.  I think both teams were exhausted when they left the field.  Caleb received the end of the season award for Best Defender.  He was pretty excited about that.


The rest of the afternoon was spent kind of chilling with the kiddos.  Christi’s parents were in for the baptism as well, and at one point the Winkle’s showed up.  They have been like a third set of grandparents to the kids, not to mention our great friends for humpty-leventy years, so it was great to see them.  They are supposed to be back this morning for the baptism as well.


Having a family with three boys makes for some pretty … interesting … street football games.  Josh and the three boys set up for a while to have some pigskin moments.  And what a moment Josh had.  He somehow finagled the teams where he and Zak, his oldest, were playing against the two younger ones, Caleb and Luke.  In spite of the horrendous difference in size and speed, the youngsters were holding their own.  They even scored a time or two.  And after one of those TD’s, Caleb was set to kick off.  Josh took up his stance about five or six yards away, arms in the air to intimidate the kicker.  But Caleb the soccer player was not to be intimidated.  He let go of the ball and swung his mighty foot across.  The ball took off like a shot, directly on a line for Josh’s … er … midsection.  It struck.  And Josh went down.  Right there in the middle of the street.  And he stayed down.  We almost had to carry him out of the way when a car came by.  Caleb went inside for some ice.  Christi came out to check on him.  It was one of those situations where there is really nothing to do but wait it out.  And in a move understood only by the guys of the world … everyone of the male gender laughed until we cried – Josh included.  At least I think his tears were from laughter.  I haven’t seen (or experienced personally) laughter like that since one Thanksgiving when my Dad and Josh somehow got tickled at the table and laughed until they cried.  We have a photo to commemorate that occasion.  Sadly, this one will not go into the photographic annals.  But the memories … oh, the memories.


We were wondering what the Halloween experience would be like here.  We sure missed being back home with the thundering hordes and seeing our friends there.  We did get a picture or two.  Seems that a monstrous chicken made its way into our house.  Brought along a humongous pig and a tiny princess and a ninja, I think.  Glad to see that Cailyn and her posse had a good time. 


In Waco they are still pretty concerned with the whole social distancing thing.  So Josh and Christi derived some creative ways to distribute candy.  One was a length of gutter set up so they could slide the candy down the chute into the Candy Circle marked with chalk on the driveway.  That one was popular with the little kids.  But the most fun of all was a contraption Josh almost didn’t set He may or may not have received some encouragement from his old man to go for it.  He leaned a length of PVC pipe against a box.  Innocent enough.  Then he set the leaf blower at one end.  Yep.  Shot those candies right out at the kids.  The older ones really got a kick out of that.  Meanwhile, the substantially older ones of our bunch managed to hook up a computer and watch some college football.  Oh, and Christi’s famous orange-iced cupcakes were certainly a big hit.  Great fun for all.


Romans 1:20 says, “For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”


Father, thank you for that time of fun and family yesterday.  Please be with Luke today for his big day of baptism.  Amen.

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