Thursday, November 19, 2020

November 19 – “Prepare the Turkeys Day”

Lots of activity around our house yesterday.  It was Prepare the Turkeys Day.  Yep, this is the annual celebration that was briefly postponed a day earlier when said turkeys were found to be frozen solid.  Adjustments were made to the refrigerator thermostat and a day was added to the schedule.  Sadly, that meant Nathan and April could no longer be involved in the Turkey Rub process.  They were headed back to work.  So instead, Kel and his family rose to the occasion and stood in the gap. 


Micah and Jachin were the primary turkey haulers, with Josiah grabbing a few as well.  Noa and even Ezra pitched in to help Nana with the actual rubbing of the seasonings onto – and into – the turkeys.  Micah was more than a little queasy about flat out touching a raw turkey.  And when the suggestion was made that they use the giblets for a science lesson, he was nowhere to be found.  Jachin wasn’t very excited at the prospect, either.  So “someone” may or may not have used that information to bring them a section of the bird’s gullet and tell them it was the part of the artery that Nana had blocked and repaired.  Jachin almost touched it, thinking it was a noodle.  Closer examination caused him to jump like he had been shot.  Noa, on the other hand, was all over that idea.  She was particularly interested in seeing the creature’s heart.  Ever the curious scientist …


Over the course of the day the team prepared and rubbed down ten turkeys, all ready for frying now.  That process takes place on Friday.  We hope to have Uncle Nathan back for that task, but Cailyn has been feeling a bit puny, so we’ll see. 


Oh, and we had some good food as part of the workday.  Christina brought over some taquitos for lunch.  Then we had roast that she had cooking in a crockpot for supper.  Good stuff.  They left right after we ate to get to their karate lessons. 


Chris finally got through to her brand new doc – a cardiologist.  She talked to the nurse in his office and was able to ask some of the questions she has been having.  The main one was concerning the chest and back pains she has been having since the surgery.  They told us at the hospital that some pains were normal, but they should subside after a few days.  She just wanted to know how long should we consider “a few days.”  After a long discussion on the specifics of the symptoms, another new medication was called into play and into the pharmacy at Randall’s.  Corey was at home and agreed to give me a ride to pick up the prescription.  It really feels weird to have to rely on other people for just about everything.  But the cardiologist said Chris could drive now.  Actually he said she should have a full week of pretty much full rest first.  And I finally have my back surgery follow-up on Friday.  Hopefully I will be given the go-ahead to drive as well.  And Bend.  And Lift.  And Twist.  Hmm.  BLT.  I’m getting hungry …


Romans 10:17 says, “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.”


Father, thank you for the family you blessed us with, both by blood and by your Spirit.  Amen.

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