Tuesday, November 17, 2020

November 17 – “Not at all exciting”

Well, it’s not even six in the morning yet, and here I am sitting at the computer, typing away.  For me, that’s the benefit/curse of going to bed just after nine in the evening.  Eight hours of sleep is simply the upper end of my sleep limit.  Beyond that and my body feels like it’s wasting time.


But back to the patient at hand.  Chris did have some more bouts of nausea during the day yesterday, but she didn’t have any more practical application of said bouts.  OK.  In other words, she didn’t actually throw up, just felt like she might.  That’s one of the things at the top of her list for her doctor appointment today.  Actually, the top of the list is getting her doc to expedite the follow-up with the cardiologist so he can continue fixing the blood pressure medications.  Also, she did sleep a lot.  That’s a good thing, I think. 


We enjoyed the supper that Cathy brought over.  Well, me more than Chris.  It was our favorite to-go meal from Shrimp n Stuff.  I had fried shrimp, of course.  Chris had grilled shrimp tacos.  She didn’t eat a whole lot, but she did get some down.  It was fun chatting with Cathy well.  Hmm.  Chatting with Cathy.  Chatty Cathy.  Wasn’t that a “thing” at one time?


With Chris laid up on the couch most of the day (well, in between loads of laundry she insisted she was fine to get done), I spent most my time at the computer working on church stuff.  Not at all exciting stuff for the blog of the decade, is it?  But after this past weekend, we can us a few days of “not at all exciting.”


1 Peter 1:24-25 says, “For, ‘All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.’”


Father, thank you for a day or two of “not exciting.”  I do love your surprises, though.  They are the best.  Bring them on.  Amen.

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