Tuesday, December 31, 2019

December 31 – “High points …”

Well, it’s my last journal entry for the month.  I had hoped to come up with something profound.
It’s my last journal entry for the year.  I had hoped to come up with something deep and meaningful.
It’s my last journal entry for the decade.  I had hoped to come up with something downright awesome. 

My best shot? 

Jesus is still Lord.  He’s still the most important thing in my life, and Chris comes in a very close second. 
Seaside is doing really well.  Holding strong in attendance, but especially in loving each other so the world can know they are disciples of Jesus.
We’ve had some spotty health days, especially with the flu bug in the last few weeks, but all in all, the family is healthy and appears to be happy.

We saw a thousand plus people attend Seaside’s Easter sunrise service on the beach.  Included baptisms in the Gulf.  Great volunteer assistance from the police, fire department and the whole community.

We went on our first ever cruise.  Alaska.  A bucket list trip for sure, and it lived up to its spot there.  And we’re scheduled to leave on our second cruise in a few weeks.  The Panama Canal.  That one is definitely in a bucket somewhere.  We’ll see how it turns out.

We got to see a bona fide miracle when our 37 year old friend had a massive heart attack.  But he “just happened” to be in a bed at the ER at the time.  He’s back home now, working on his lifestyle changes.

High points.  Those are what are affectionately known as “high points.”  Lots of other cool stuff happened with grandkids and church family and … just stuff.  But I guess I should include just one more.  I woke up again today.  There’s that …

Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

Father, that’s an amazing verse for the end of a year.  And a great promise for the start of another one.  Thank you.  Amen.

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