Tuesday, December 24, 2019

December 24 – “Ho, Ho, Oh No”

Well, Ho, Ho, Oh No.  Christmas Eve.  One more time …

Yep.  Christmas Eve and Chris and I split some sickie duties today.  Not either of us … yet.  This time it is Cailyn.  Well, and Micah, too.  Oh, and Ezra.  Latest word is that he is running a fever now as well.

Chris went over to check on her and hang out with her while I stayed at the house and worked.  But that resulted in my remembering I still had to go to the donut shop and make our annual Christmas Eve order.  One of our December ministries is to encourage our folks to stop on their way home after the service and deliver a dozen donuts to someone who has to work.  We also have some Christmas ornaments to give away as well.  Since we order ten one dozen boxes, I like to give them a heads up the day before.  They appreciate it.  Less stress the day of. 

While I was out Chris texted and asked if I could swing by Whataburger and b ring them over some lunch.  But of course.  We all had lunch together.  Cailyn was moving around OK, but you could tell she didn’t feel too good.  After we ate Chris left to do some of her errands and I took a turn hanging out with the munchkin.  We watched weird cartoons.  No, I mead weird.  The kind where the characters wear knee pads around their waist and have big round heads that kind of melt when they lie down.  I was never much of a cartoon guy growing up, but I certainly don’t remember the roadrunner ever having a melting head.  Wile E. Coyote maybe …

Chris came back after a while. OK.  I confess.  I have no idea how long she was gone.  I may or may not have fallen asleep on the couch.  Like I said, I was never really good at watching cartoons.  We traded off again and I came back home to get some more work done.  Two sermons and two worship services (Christmas Eve service) to plan this week.  A lot to stay on top of. 

Speaking of which, I have to go pick up those donuts at 9 and get the Merry Christmas stickers applied.  I also have to sneak in at least a quick trip to WalMart.  My excuse this year is that I need some bananas.  Really?  I just want to go do some people watching.  Best day of the year …

Matthew 1:21 says, “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

Father, please ease the fever in these youngsters’ bodies so they can have a comfortable Christmas.  Amen.

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