Saturday, December 7, 2019

December 7 – “Covering the components”

We attended a funeral yesterday.  Our across-the-street neighbor had been in hospice care for some time, and finally passed away on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  The service was held at the Methodist church they attended.  The highlight of the event was the obituary of sorts put together by his wife.  It was called a “family remembrance,” and it was truly amazing.  It was funny, lighthearted, yet a tribute to George’s kindness.  And even more amazing was the fact that she was able to read it herself.  At least all except the prayer at the end.  At that point her son, who had been standing by her side, took over.  Very powerful stuff.  Very proud of her.  Nice job, Cory.

After the funeral we went over to Shrimp and Stuff for some lunch.  It has been a while since we last ate there, and there were some changes.  Oh, the food was the same, still really good.  But they have been doing some expanding.  Looks like they might even be planning a deck area.  It’s always interesting to see how progress changes things.  I just hope the food stays the same.  So … dress up.  Attend an event.  Eat some lunch.  All the components of a date, right?  Check.

In the afternoon we began work in earnest on our Christmas gift list.  Well, OK.  Chris did.  I worked in the garage.  And of course we had our Featured Friday Fone call from Josh mixed in there as well.  And last night we checked out a brand new Lifetime movie … Winter Storm Meghan was blasting into Chicago this time.  Quite interesting, since the story was set in the Silicon Valley of California.  Pretty tough stretch to find a way to get a mention of good ol’ Meghan in there, but they did it.  I was proud. 

Titus 2:11-12 says, “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.  It teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.”

Father, please continue to walk with Cory through her grief.  Amen.

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