Saturday, December 14, 2019

December 14 – “Divide and conquer … Home Depot”

We divided and conquered again yesterday.  Chris headed to the church.  I went to … Home Depot.  She was there to meet the delivery guy from … Home Depot.  Sensing there is a Home Depot in our future.  Well, actually it’s in our past now.  At least those two connections are.

I got there with the light bulbs that we bought that turned out to be the wrong ones.  Just as I walked into the store Josh called with his usual Friday morning check-in.  We chatted for a while, mainly about his new-found career as volunteer basketball coach for Zakary’s team.  Once I got inside the guy at the returns desk couldn’t figure out how to scan the barcode to make the return.  Well, he knew how to scan, and he scanned every barcode in sight at least twice.  It was actually on attempt number three of Barcode: Side of Box that he was finally successful. 

Next I had to find the proper bulbs that would fit our lights at church.  For this task I took pictures of individual light bulbs that had burned out just to make sure.  But that just made it more difficult.  None of the numbers matched exactly.  And that meant … finding someone to help me.  Up and down the aisles I went.  Twice.  Finally I found someone in an orange shirt who didn’t run the other direction or suddenly get a mysterious phone call when they saw me.  Yes, that really did happen.  That person asked another person who was the one who was supposed to be in lighting.  He got a name, then directed me to an aisle and said, “She is helping another customer, but she is on that aisle.”  Dutifully I turned the corner to the aisle he indicated.  There was no one there who would have answered to “She.”  I did get the attention of an orange shirt who was stocking some stuff.  Amazingly enough, he was the one.  He followed me to the bulb aisle and assured me of which bulbs would be the proper fit.  Whew.

As I walked to pay for the bulbs I got the phone call that the Home Depot delivery would take place within the next 20 minutes.  Great.  I called Chris to let her know, and went ahead with my stop at the bank.  As luck would have it, the delivery truck was backing into our parking lot as I drove up.  Only 10 or 15 minutes late.  Not bad.  They were scheduled to haul away the old fridge and stove.  The stove was no problem.  But the fridge was hooked up to water so the ice maker would work.  Except it didn’t work.  As the plumbing goes, unhooking the line meant that the water to the sink would have to be turned off.  That was a bit of a crisis since the big craft fair is … TODAY.  Fortunately our resident master handyman Ed came to our rescue.  Took him about 5 minutes to fix it.  And his assistant changed out the burned out light bulbs. 

OK.  I think we are ready now.  Cailyn spent the night with us last night, so we have an extra helper for at least part of the day.  Alarms went off at 5 a.m. so we are off …

See you at Seaside 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  BETHLEHEM STREET MARKET CRAFT FAIR.

Deuteronomy 10:21 says, “He is your Praise and he is your God, who has done these great and awesome things for you which your eyes have seen.”

Father, be with everyone involved in the market today in whatever capacity, whether vendor or helper or shopper.  Amen

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