Friday, July 7, 2017

July 7 – “End of an Era”

Well, it looks like the end of an era has arrived.  The 40 Steps Era, that is.  It was with great curiosity at first that we responded to a loud “Beep ... Beep ... Beep” – the kind of noise usually made when large machinery begins its backing up process.  A quick glance out our front window verified the situation.  Not one, but two big dump trucks had stopped traffic out in front of our house.  One was backing into the vacant lot next door.  The other was parked in the middle of the street, doing nothing but causing a car behind him to grow increasingly more agitated at the delay.  The first dump truck came to a stop in the lot. But suddenly stopped.  The driver got out and started walking around, seemingly aimlessly.  Apparently he was looking for something. 

By this time Chris and I were outside in our driveway, watching the invasion.  He saw us and started toward us.  I knew what he was doing.  He wanted to make sure he was at the right place before dumping his load.  It was tempting to steer him away, but minor character flaws like honesty and integrity drove me to assure him that he was, indeed, where he was supposed to be.  As he walked away Chris said, just softly enough that he couldn’t hear her, “You can go ahead and take it somewhere else.”  Sigh.  It is difficult to endure the end of an era. 

Finally the unloading began.  The beeping of the backup.  The whining of the hydraulics.  The crashing thundering of the back gate as it swings shut.  All proved more than Heidi could stand.  She repeatedly knocked over our dog gate to let us know that there was a storm going on outside and she wasn’t at all happy about it.  We finally just had to close the door.  Sorry, Heidi, but there is only more to come.  So, so much more.

Best we can tell they stopped at six truckloads of dirt.  I suppose the bulldozers will be here soon to spread it out and prepare the foundation.  Chris looked online to see what the latest ownership situation was on the property.  Guess who is listed as owner now?  The Galveston mayor.  My thought is that he is listed as owner of all the properties the city purchased to build mixed site section eight housing throughout the city.  That is not good news for property values in our neighborhood, but hey … as several folks have told us they will be doing on our behalf … pray for good neighbors. 

James 3:17 says, “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”

Father, we do pray now for our new neighbors, whoever they may be.  Help us to be wise.  Amen.

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