Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4 – “Superbowl Commercial review”

We had a little bit of that super bowl fun at church Sunday.  I asked the group who they were rooting for in the big game.  The responses came quickly: “Denver, Denver, Broncos, Denver.”  Then an obviously compassionate visitor, noting the alarming trend, offered, “Well I’ll be for the seagulls.”  Broke everybody up.  SeaGULLS, SeaHAWKS.  What’s the difference, right? 

And, yes, we also had one of “those” parties.  Ours was more focused on the commercials, though.  And as the game score turned out, it was a good thing.  Tough loss for the Broncos but at least they have been there before.  In more ways than one.  They have lost the big game often enough.  But they did win it a time or two as well.  And cudos to the youngster quarterbacking Seattle.  He gave credit to the Lord for his talent in the postgame interview. 

Now on to more important things - the commercials.  I did some research this year ahead of time, and it really made it easier to keep up with who was doing the advertising.  I have never been able to do that.  I can usually remember some of the commercials, but rarely remember the product.  Says something about the real value of the ad, doesn’t it?  This year we were connected by FaceBook and texting to two other parties.  One was a crazy bunch of college kids in Waco.  The other was the Boyer family in Dickinson.  I don’t know about their groups, but ours was loud and crazy and we even had a few who really were into the game.  Especially the Seahawks supporters.  I think they were so surprised by the way the game was going that they couldn’t help themselves.  They were positively giddy. 

All three of the groups liked the Doberhuahua dog one.  That was some pretty frightening stuff.  Of course the little puppy and his devotion to the Clydesdale was just … sweet.  There were a few others that drew reactions from our crowd.  Morpheus in the back seat with all those cars flying through the air that was the Matrix – that was impressive in a cerebral sort of way.  I liked the Doritos one with the little brother riding his dog/horse to rope and hogtie his big brother.  How could anyone who has ever been a little brother not relate to that one?  And from the parents’ perspective, that Hyundai one where the little kids are saved from imminent disaster at the last second time after time was altogether too familiar.  The pistachio one was really strange when the guy’s head peeled back to reveal a peanut head inside.  Gotta mention the Doritros time machine, too.  I saw that one ahead of time, but it did bring a chuckle or two.  Radio Shack’s was a blast from the 80’s past with all those favorites.  I remember Alf and Hulk Hogan right off the top of my head.  Oh, and the bear ransacking the convenience store in search of yogurt had that surprise factor.  And finally, I guess we need to send a nod out to those that gave tributes to service men and women, as well as the ones who did their best to come across as patriotic. 

Bottom line … everyone enjoyed Mama Chris’ taco soup and the dips and banana pudding that others brought.  We’ll do this one again next year.

2 Corinthians 13:12-14 says, “Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the saints send their greetings.  May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”

Father, thank you for times of fellowship.  Always great to know you enjoy, have fun, smile, laugh … Amen.

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