Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 16 – “Happy birthday, son Josh”

Thought I’d put the birthday wishes into the title this time.  It usually takes Josh a month or so to catch up with the blogs.

We went to a football game yesterday.  Jachin has been playing in a flag football league again this year, and this was the first game we could go to.  Thanks so much to Jennifer for hanging out with Mom so we could go.  We even had time to have a Chic-fil-a lunch with them and then walk around those two bastions of retail greatness, Hobby Lobby and Goodwill. 

Speaking of Mom, Friday night she woke up around 1 a.m. and apparently some kind of light clicked on in her head.  She was very pleasant and extremely talkative.  She got up on her own, folded all the clothes in her room, and even made her bed.  Did I mention that she was extremely talkative?  Chris had to talk her into going on to the bathroom while she was awake.  The problem was that she couldn’t find the address.  Address to what?  No idea.  But she was quite talkative.  Chris finally convinced her that they could do the address search later on when it got light outside.  Mom has begun doing and saying some of the more classic Alzheimer’s things, too – the things I remember Dad doing.  For instance she asked if it would be all right for her give one of the flowers that I gave her for Valentine’s Day to her own mother.  Of course we told her that would be fine.  While Jennifer was over she apparently never stopped talking.  One of the things the two of them like to do together is watch the food channel.  Strange shows there, by the way.  Chris had me watch one where two chefs were trying to teach some terrible cooks how to get by in the kitchen.  One guy cut himself and bled all over the fish he was trying to cook.  Very odd.  As they engrossed themselves in such culinary delights, Mom made the comment that Jesse would love a show like that.  That’s the first time she has mentioned my Dad in months.  It’s been so long that Jennifer didn’t even know who that was.  One other question has suddenly begun to plague her as well.  She wants to know when we are moving back to Galveston to live with that other family.  I asked if she knew which other family.  She thought about it for a few minutes, then said, “Oh, I think it’s one of your brothers.”  I asked which one.  No answer.  So I got more specific.  “Was it Jay?”  Nothing.  “How about Stan?”  That got a little more reaction with, “Maybe it was Stan,” but it was apparent that wasn’t what she had in mind either.  Guess she meant that secret brother we never knew anything about.  We finally transitioned out of the heaviness of the conversation when I asked if she was ready to have a pillow fight yet.  She wagged her finger at me and insisted, “You better not throw that thing at me.”  There you go.  Gotta love a feisty Momma.

Psalms 136:1-3 says, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.  His love endures forever.  Give thanks to the God of gods.  His love endures forever.  Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever.”

Father, thank you for the time we have with Mom, especially when she shows her feisty spirit again.  Amen.

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