Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 3 – “I’m so silly”

We had our first Neighbors Night Out for our end of the street last night.  The area from our house to the end of the street was barricaded off.  That’s not actually very much space – just two houses.  But it’s a start.  I met several folks I had seen but never had talked to.  One young family lives down at the other end of our street.  They had their little toddler on one of those backpack leashes.  Cute kid.  Another family had an actual dog on a leash.  I think it was a large Chihuahua, but I’m not sure.  It was definitely old, though.  And very compliant with the children who wanted to pet it.  Cailynn was with us for the event, and she was very excited when the fire truck pulled up.  Her Daddy wasn’t on it, but she was still quite animated.  She stared at it for a long time, carefully eyeing each fire fighter as he exited the vehicle.  Satisfied that her Daddy wasn’t hiding inside, she pointed and began her conversation with me.

Cailyn: “See that ladder?  What’s it for?”
Now even I could handle that one. 

Me: “To help the firemen get on the roof if a house is on fire, so they can put the fire out.”
She was already intensely listening.

Cailyn: “So the ladder helps Mercy?”
What?  That came hurtling out from within the deepest recesses of her three-year-old mind.  I had to ask.

Me: “Who’s Mercy?”
And of course she had an instant answer.  And she was quite sure of it.

Cailyn: “That’s what the ladder helps.”
And I was … baffled.

Me: “The ladder helps Mercy?”
Didn’t take long for her to kick in to that “tsk” mode for poor old DadDad who just never gets it.

Cailyn: “Yes, DadDad.  It helps save a cat.”
What?  Wait.  Where did the cat come in?

Me: “So the cat is Mercy?”
And the exasperation begins to build.  But she maintains her patience with the ignorant old man.  Cailyn can be very sweet that way.

Cailyn: “Yes DadDad.  And the house is Mercy when it has fire in it.”
The house?  Not helpful.  Now it is my confusion that is building.

Me: “The house is Mercy?”
I’m worried now that she won’t put up with me long enough for me to figure this one out.  But she tries again.

Cailyn: “Yes, DadDad.  And the ladder goes on the Mercy truck to help the cat and the house.”
The truck?  But … wait a second.  A light bulb is flickering in my brain finally.

Me: “So the truck is Mercy?”
I think she can sense that I’m about to get it.  Her eyes light up.  A big grin covers her face.

Cailyn: “Yes DadDad.  My Daddy drives the Mercy truck, but not that one.”
That cinches it.  I got this one now. 

Me: “Oh.  Your Daddy drives the emergency truck to emergencies like a house on fire or a cat stuck in a tree.”
The giggle says it all.  And as she frolics away to check out the little Chihuahua she adds:

Cailyn: “Yes, DadDad.  You’re so silly.”
And what more can I say? … I’m so silly.

Psalms 33:9-11 says, “For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.  The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples.  But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.”

Father, keep our plans in sync with yours.  Amen.

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