Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2 – “FLM’s”


I was supposed to go fishing yesterday with a friend from church on his boat.  Problem was, when we woke up there were 20 miles per hour winds and a 47 degree wind chill temperature.  It was supposed to warm up some, but being in a boat with that much wind is just not a good idea.  So we postponed the fishing trip to today. Look much more promising.


Since there would be no fishing trip, I got started early on the sermon for Sunday, and actually got a lot done on it.  I didn't get in to check on Seaside Christian Academy, though.  Once I got started at my desk at home, I just kept going.


Finally, yesterday afternoon I needed a break.  Chris had gone over to Nathan and April's to take care of Cailyn while April took a class.  Yes, she used to come over here, but they moved into Kel and Christina's house, which is about three or four blocks away from the college.  I figured it would not be as convenient to drop her off here on the way, and one of us still has to stay close to Mom, so I wouldn't get to see Cailyn as often.  OK, I'm officially jealous that Chris got to go. 


So for my break I decided to take action on something Chris said the other day.  I wasn't totally sure how I should approach it, though.  It was one of those "FLM's" - female language moments, and even after thirty-six years plus I still don't always interpret it right. 


What she said was, "I want to get that back flower bed done."  Sound very simple, and in a male world, that's what it would mean.  But not always so in the world of FLM's.  See, I wasn't sure if she meant, "I want to get that back flower bed done" or "I want to get that back flower bed done."  I didn't know if she meant that she wanted to do the weeding herself so she could feel the sense of satisfaction at having completing something, or if she just wanted to get the thing done so she could move on to the "planting of new things" stage.  The ramifications wouldn't in this case be necessarily earth-shattering.  But it would mean the difference in a lot of work on my part that would result in great gratitude or a lot of work on my part that would result in frustration and disappointment.  There's always a risk involved in choosing to take action.


I chose to weed the flower bed for her.  She seemed pleased when she got home.  I still am not quite sure if I understood the FLM, but I am sure that I married a very gracious lady.


Isaiah 46:4 says, "Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."


Father, thank you for the great gift you gave me in Chris.  Her spirit really reflects yours.  Amen.

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