Friday, July 30, 2021

July 30 – “wild and wacky week of weirdness”

We were back at it at water exercise class.  We had the instructor that likes to do aerobic-centered workouts.  Yup.  Always means I’m a little sore the next day.  But my plan for today is still to mow the grass.  Maybe the heat will loosen up these old, weary bones.


I spent most of the day working on the teaching for Sunday.  I also began the task of developing a plan for sharing the teaching load at Seaside with our new co-pastor.  Each of us will teach a few times a month over these last six months that I’ll be there.  I also began a list of things to communicate to him for after I leave.  That would include everything from what little jobs I do every Sunday morning, to how I respond to communiques that come to my email from the church website, to receiving deliveries, to meeting the bug guy.  There are lots of behind-the-scenes details in this whole church ministry thing.


I also began working ahead to get some of those detail things done before next week.  Looks like we will have charge of the LaMarque Vaughan kiddos for a few days while Mom and Dad take a much-needed mini-vacation before Dad starts his new job.  It will be a combination celebration of leaving the post office, getting back into ministry, and wedding anniversary.  For them it should be a quiet get-away.  For us it should be a wild and wacky week of weirdness. 


Galatians 6:10 says, “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”


Father, be with Kel and Christina as they prepare for their time together.  And help us get ready for the onslaught of grandkids.  Amen.

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