Friday, July 23, 2021

July 23 – “Nothing can separate us …”

I went to part one of Matt’s funeral last night.  The family decided to have two different memorial services.  One will be the fire department/military honors memorial.  That will be at ten this morning.  The one last night was more for the family and friends to honor and grieve.  However, a few retired marines did make a presentation to the family to start off the proceedings, and the marine hymn was played as part of what they did as well.  


And family and friends did indeed come to share their respects to the fallen fire fighter.  There was a completely packed house.  Every seat was taken.  People were standing along the sides of the room.  The lobby outside of the room was full of others, listening through the open doors as best as they could.  At some point virtually every fire fighter came by, whether on duty or off.  I even saw numerous retired guys make an appearance to pay their respects.  I was proud of Jon and Shea and the fire department honor guard.  They stood watch at the casket and the door with grace and dignity.  The changing of the guard was handled flawlessly every time.  You guys certainly honored Matt in an impressive fashion. 


April put together a slide show of Matt’s life and exploits that was nothing short of amazing.  And that was after a bit of a problem she ran into.  As she was putting the final touches on the show, one of those computer glitches hit, and everything – all of her hard work – was erased.  But she persevered and re-created the whole thing.  Even included music.  And the results were just the right balance of Matt’s early life, military, and fire fighter careers.  Nice job, April.


Of course there were many tears.  More than a few chuckles, too.  Especially as Kelli shared her reminisces and Matt-ecdotes (Matt anecdotes).  Hugs abounded as well.  Matt’s Galveston pastor Aaron read scripture and led in prayer.  Several songs presented in Spanish and English provided a chance to reflect and refocus on God.  Pastor Mike presented the gospel with a message of hope, reminding us that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. 


So today we shift focus to Matt’s military and fire department career, with the special honors involved.  Please pray for Matt’s family of course, but also today for all of his Galveston Fire Department family.  It promises to be a deeply emotional and heavily stressful occasion for us all.


Romans 8:37-39 says, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


Father, please stand with the fire department guys today who will be involved in the service.  Be by the side of the close friends among the department who will be acting as pall bearers.  Grant the honor guard strength as they repeat their service from last night.  And walk with the rest of the department as they take a minute and a deep breath to consider their own lives and relationships.  Amen.

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