Thursday, July 1, 2021

July 1 – “What’s a MACI?”

I guess my little foray into the world of the Covid is in full swing now.  It has brought with it some … moments.  My absolute favorite so far has been when Corey, from across the street, queried whether it was still appropriate protocol to place a black flag in our yard to indicate the plague resides here.  He even offered to take care of that responsibility.  The flag is fine, but keep that cart man away for the time being.  (Read here in your best British accent) “I’m not dead yet.”


I finally got a response from the message I left my doctor.  He warned that I would be receiving a phone call to set up the treatment he wanted me to undergo.  Actually the call came before I saw his email, so it was a little surprising.  Tomorrow morning I head off into Texas to have a Monoclonal Antibodies Covid Infusion (MACI).  Apparently this amounts to calling in the cavalry to help fight off the ornery little critters.  And yes, it’s approved for use in the “special” population described as “at risk – old.”  Well, that’s not exactly the designation, but close.  The only Maci I ever heard of owned a department store and held a parade.  But maybe these little Maci’s have a lot of fight in them.  The antibodies are supposed to attach themselves to the Covid critters and prevent them from attacking anywhere else.  Git after it, Girls!


I’m feeling OK at this point.  Always better in the morning, because mornings are just so awesome.  No taste and not much appetite.  I have to let my brain do that part of the eating.  It remembers what things are supposed to taste like, so it is filling in the gaps.  I still cough off and on.  Post nasal drip.  Some aches and pains beyond what I have come to expect.  Again, kind of like I’m recovering from a head cold.  I’ll just keep treating the symptoms until they go away.  That’s what you do with a virus …


Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”


Father, thank you for discoveries people are making about your world.  They never cease to amaze me.  Amen.

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