Thursday, July 29, 2021

July 29 – “Electro-Woman”

I went with Chris to her electro-physiology appointment yesterday.  Well, sort of.  UTMB is back on their Covid restrictions kick again.  No one is allowed to be with patients unless they are needed to help them walk.  They even stationed a mean security guard impersonating the receptionist to keep unauthorized people out.  I went along as a second pair of ears to hear what the doc had to say.  But no.  Four ears are extraneous in the Covid arena.  Two only allowed.  Thankfully, we had anticipated that situation, so I brought a book to read.  Actually, I was anticipating at least a bit of a nap.  I guess both views of the near future proved accurate. 


So what did the doctor say?  First, the issue of the really low heart rate that was reported to them the other night by the monitoring company.  The doctor’s comment?  “Don’t worry about that.  You were asleep.”  Well, OK.  Then why did your office call the next day to check on us?  But, hey.  I’m happy to have one less thing to worry about.  What’s next?


Chris has to finish out the month wearing the external heart monitor.  That will provide the full spectrum of data they feel like they need.  Maybe.  If it doesn’t show what they need – something that reveals the source of the symptoms Chris keeps having – There is a next step.  That would be to implant a heart monitor about the size of a large paper clip under her skin on her chest.  She really would be Electro-Woman then.  That one would stay in for up to two years.  If at any point that one is successful and reveals what data they are searching for, then they can immediately go in and remove it.  And based on said data, replace it with a pacemaker … or not.  The doc didn’t mention that last step, though.  Never even brought up the dreaded “P” word.  Saving that one in her back pocket, I guess …


Isaiah 45:22 says, “Turn to me and be saved. All you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.”


Father, thank you that these docs are doing their best to discover what is going on with Chris.  Would you please give them an extra dose of your wisdom?  Amen

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