Saturday, May 9, 2020

May 9 – “Another day, another …"

We made another mile on our walk.  Well, not “another mile” in the sense that we went more than a mile at a time.  Just “another day, another mile.”  That’s still about the upper limit of Chris’ capacity right now.  Her last visit to the physical therapist proved a little more enlightening than visits past.  From discoveries made by the therapists as well as Chris’ subsequent research efforts on her own, it is becoming clearer that her difficulty is stemming from problems in her L3-5 lower back region.  Not that we are trying to be doctors and diagnose on our own, mind you.  But it seems to fit every single symptom she is having.  At least that’s what the therapist is going to target now.  She still has the MRI in a few weeks to looks forward to.  Then she sees the actual doctor again the week after that.  Progress ... Slow and steady … One step at a time … and all that.

We went out to the church to put up our Church Parking Only signs for this weekend.  The City of Galveston is closing down some of the beach access points to vehicular traffic again, so we are wondering how that might affect parking at the church.  As far as I know Jamaica Beach is remaining open, but if the tide stays as high as it has been, there is no room for cars and people.  I had a chat with the owner of the business next door to the church.  They have put up signs as well, so we’ll see what effect they have. 

Last night was a real treat around here.  Chris made us chicken fried steak and homemade cream gravy.  Wow.  Great stuff.  Decadent. 

My work schedule yesterday consisted primarily of getting things ready for not just the worship service tomorrow, but also for the baptisms we will be having.  Three of the folks who were planning to be baptized at Easter contacted me about getting it done.  I sent them a short teaching on the meaning of baptism, and we will meet before the service tomorrow as well.  Now I have a decision to make.  The baptisms will mean a walk down to the beach after worship.  Since we are outside anyway, should I just do the service wearing my bathing suit and a Seaside t-shirt?  Hmm.

Psalms 42:11 says, “Why, my soul, are you downcast?  Why so disturbed within me?  Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”

Father, be with all the people who are streaming into the city this weekend to go to the beach.  Help them to stay safe and make wise decisions.  And as always, protect our first responders.  Amen.

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