Saturday, May 23, 2020

May 23 – “Hummmm”

I woke up this morning with part of a song running through my head.  It’s not the whole thing.  In fact it’s just five words that keep coming, over and over and over.  And it’s not even one of those ridiculous TV commercial jingles.  I’m not completely sure about this, but I think it’s a Christmas song, mainly because of the content of the four words involved.  I’m assuming the tune that accompanies it is the appropriate one, but I sure wouldn’t know about that.  Maybe some of you connoisseurs of the arts and all things Christmas can help me out here.  Is there a song that has “the holly and the ivy” as one of its components?  I’ll just hum a few bars while I wait.  The same few bars.  Well, the same notes.  I don’t even know what a “bar” is in music. 

Chris saw a copy of her MRI report yesterday.  It was included in her online medical chart that the hospital keeps.  It said that among the vertebrae in her lower back, something has slipped and two others have a bulge.  The word “mild” did come into play as well.  Of course we are not radiologists or doctors of any kind.  To get the actual interpreted results in terms of treatment plans, we have to wait until Wednesday when she goes back to the doctor.  Meanwhile, I guess I’ll just have to crank up some sympathy pains.  Oh, wait.  Those are actual pains.  But I know where they came from …

We did yard work yesterday.  The grass was getting really high, especially in the back yard.  It’s been at least two weeks since we last mowed.  It showed.  My job is mowing and weed-eating.  I would be happy to take on leaf blowing the grass as well, but Chris like to sweep up all the clippings the old fashioned way – with a broom.  So she was out there with me, doing her sweeping thing.  She said she didn’t want me to have to do it because of my bad back.  There’s something inherently wrong with that sentiment, although I greatly appreciate it.  Which one of us just had that MRI on a bad back?  Hmm.

Hebrews 12:11 says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

Father, give Chris (OK, and me, too) some patience now as we wait for the doc to interpret those results.  Amen.

1 comment:

Robert Mundy said...

The Holly and Ivy can be heard via YouTube. Google "YouTube the holly and the ivy" and there are several versions of this song for your listening pleasure. If you want to know the song's history then type in "The Holly and the Ivy" in Wikipedia. Turns out this song is a very old song. --Robert Mundy