Friday, June 14, 2019

June 14 – “Where often is heard an encouraging word …”

Here was another of those days that is incredibly boring from the outside looking in, yet for those of us on the inside (Read here … me) it was a time of extreme focus and mental discipline.  I suppose I could simply state, “I worked yesterday,” and be done with it.  That’s certainly what happened.  I spent the better part of the day working on the Bible Studies for children’s camp.  I’ve been asked to be a sort of guest speaker for the church group we are tagging along with.  That means I teach a Bible study for three of the days we are there.  The studies have to be coordinated with the sermons of the camp pastor.  Another of the children’s ministers attending the camp was responsible for sending out a packet with lesson plan suggestions for each day.  I finally received that packet.  With the start of camp a mere ten days away, it would have been nice to have had the info sooner, but it is what it is.  So there will be my focus for the next few days. 

Chris got a text from April to see if we could pick up Cailyn from softball practice and let her spend the night.  April had a work event that she had forgotten about.  So that’s where we spent an hour or so last night – watching girls practice softball.  It is amazing to see how well they are doing individually.  They have really come a long way skill-wise.  I’m certainly proud of Cailyn.  She is adapting well to her new position.  She has been moved from third base to second base on the all-star team.  Still on the infield, but very different in terms of responsibilities and fielding positioning.  And her hitting is really coming around.  She has discovered that she really can hit just about anything thrown her way.  Not that she does every time, but she believes she can.  That’s 90% of the skill right there.  I also noticed that she is a lot like I was in Little League.  She responds way better to encouragement than to harsh criticism.  We are the same in that our tendency is to begin a shut down when the harshness starts (And with some coaches that means we probably should just play in the dirt until they get done with their tirade).  My theme song would have had two parts. “Where seldom is heard a discouraging word” is only half of it.  To be really effective you need to add, “Where often is heard an encouraging word.”  See, when encouraged we will do everything in our power to be successful the eyes of the encourager.  She has a good blend of coaching types to deal with.  Should help her see that there are all kinds of bosses in the world, and she can learn to be successful under any of them. 

Psalms 68:5 says, “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.”

Father, please send Cailyn a lot of encouraging words in her softball career, starting with the tournament this weekend.  Amen.

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