Thursday, January 24, 2019

January 24 – “A encounter of the aging ones”

As I prepare to head off to physical therapy again I am reminded of a brief anecdote that happened at the last appointment.  Well, after it actually.  As we were leaving the PT clinic someone at the counter checking in swung his head around in our direction.  I just caught the movement out of the corner of my eye, and I almost didn’t turn back around, but I was curious, and it was a human being that I might have a chance to connect with, so turn around I did. 

Sure enough the gentleman was staring in my direction, and I recognized him right away as Ted, a guy I went to school with many, many years ago.  We exchanged pleasantries and as I was leaving, he tossed out this word of wisdom: “You know you’re getting old when you see your old football buddies … at the physical therapy clinic.”  Ah, how the truth hurts, eh, Teddy?

It did turn off cold and rainy again yesterday.  38 degrees with a wind chill of below 30.  We stayed inside.  Well, except when I ventured out to pick up the trash cans.  After emptying them, the truck had dropped them off – literally – into a heap in the street in front of the house.  They were blocking the driveway for the other outside excursion.  Chris went to get her hair cut.  It looks great.  She sure is cute.  And I get to see her every day.  Now that’s a gift from God.  At least it is to me.  Not sure how she feels about that …

Psalms 135:13 says, “Your name, O Lord, endures forever, your renown, O Lord, through all generations.”

Father, thank you yet again for the great gift of my wife.  And for friends who still  remember me.  Amen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

windchill below 30?? Try windchill below --30