Wednesday, January 23, 2019

January 23 – “Working on my whining …”

Well, after my long weekend of sorts, it was back to the physical therapy grind yesterday.  And to my chagrin, they invented some more new stuff for me to do.  T6he guy even turned me around backwards on the treadmill and had me walking downhill.  Weird feeling.  Then he increased the weight on the leg lift weight machine.  That squished my knee together closer than it has ever been (well, “ever” since the surgery anyway), I’m pretty sure, so I guess that’s a good thing.  Throw in there a couple of minutes doing dipsy doodles.  I told him about my snafu with the timer doing them at home the day before.  Right in the middle of one of the runs he announced, “Two minutes left.”  Fine.  I kept on going.  Then he quickly added, “Oh, wait.  I mean one minute.”  Smart aleck.  I think he got ahold of my timer.  And the theraband exercise where my legs are tied together?  Now I have to squat while I walk sideways like a crab.  With my knees perpendicular to the ground and my back straight.  Sure.

And after all that power lifting and downhill racing and dipsy doodling, THEN he announced that we were going to do some balance work.  I could barely stand up with both legs, and now he was taking away one at a time.  I had to balance on that upside-down ball again, but this time the ball side was down, making it much harder, of course.  Oh, and I had to squat.  Of course.  The balance beam cushions weren’t too bad.  At least that one was familiar.  I gotta keep at it though.  Only three more scheduled sessions before I find out if I am officially released by them. 

I spent most of the rest of the day working at the computer.  I did get a lot of work done, but I also sure got stiff from all that sitting after working out.  Sigh.  Such “horrendous” difficulties.  Actually I’m just working on my whining a little bit.  How am I doing?

Psalms 135:5-7 says, “I know that the Lord is great, that our Lord is greater than all gods.  The Lord does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths.  He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth; he sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses.”

Father, thank you for progress.  Sometimes painfully slow.  Sometimes comes in a rush.  Help me to keep looking forward.  Amen.

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