Tuesday, January 22, 2019

January 22 – “4X6 memory-assist tools”

We remembered about halfway through the morning yesterday that it was a holiday.  No mail delivery.  Banks closed.  That sort of thing.  So instead of working we decided to just do something together for the day.  And what should rise to the fore but organizing all the phots we picked up from CVS? 

Why organize?  Well, they were not exactly in day by day order any more.  Well, some were.  And some were tossed in fifty or a hundred pictures away.  I think they came out the way they were uploaded by our computer and the store’s capture program for that sort of thing.  Oh as far as we could tell they were all there.  But that meant we had to go through them one by one and match them up with the order Chris had established on the computer.  Tedious work, to be sure.  But we were together, right?  Counts as a date, right?

Date or not, we finally completed the task around 5 p.m. last night.  And we were still talking to each other.  We were even laughing and remembering, certainly things one would be expected to be engaging in while sorting through memories.  We filled up a shoebox, so now it’s all in Chris’ court as she begins to translate the image she has in her head of a scrapbook into real life.  I for one can’t wait to see what she comes up with.  But don’t hurry her.  It will take a while. 

Gotta run.  It’s almost time for my physical agony – er - therapy session.

Psalms 135:3 says, “Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing praise to his name, for that is pleasant.”

Father, thank you for those laughing and remembering things called memories and for those little 4X6 memory-assist tools.  Oh, and thanks for the idea in Chris’ head that will eventually become the scrapbook.  Kind of like the idea you had that eventually became … well … us.  Amen.

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