Wednesday, January 2, 2019

January 2 – “Inspiration?”

I had a rough knee night the other night.  Kind of an incessant throbbing that wouldn’t allow me to get comfortable.  Not above a two on the weirdo hospital pain scale by any means.  It just wouldn’t go away.  Then I got cold.  Ah, the curse of getting used to the daily aspirin dosage.  I finally moved to my recliner so Chris could get some sleep.  I began to doze off around 4:30, though, so that gave me a good two hours of rest.  I guess I overdid it …. Again.  But last night was considerably better.  Made the whole night in our bed.  Success.

After watching a little bit of the Rose Bowl Parade (We had to watch some of it to see if we could spy our friends the Wilson’s.  They texted us that morning to say they were in place and waiting about two hours before the scheduled start time.  We never did locate them.  Hope you guys had fun, Mike and Olivia and Sarah), and doing some much needed work on the sermon for Sunday and one the website article and a visual verse and a welcome montage and … (Whew.  Makes me tired just thinking about it).  Anyway, somewhere in there I managed a little bit of a nap during the LSU/USF football game. 

And of course we had our traditional New Year’s Day lunch of ham and black eyed peas (Thanks, Ed and Pat Jackson for sharing their fresh grown stash) and cabbage (Well, that would be raw cabbage with Thousand Island salad dressing on it for me.  None of that cooked mess.  Chris just eats the raw stuff with no embellishments at all).

And last night we made it through the first half of the Texas/Georgia game.  Gotta say that one surprised me.  Way to go Longhorns.  Maybe they were inspired by their mascot.  Before the game Old Bevo the Longhorn broke through his pen, lowered his wide hornspan, and attacked when he saw the Georgia Bulldog mascot.  They hustled the little dog away post haste.  Sound inspirational enough to motivate a win?

Psalms 121:1-2 says, “I lift up my eyes to the hills — where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Father, thank you for a good night’s sleep.  We could use a few more …  Amen.

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