Monday, July 30, 2018

July 30 – “Duke”

I did a rare baby dedication at the beach on Saturday evening.  Not that the baby was rare.  I mean the idea of doing one at the beach.  It is not the usual location.  Especially when the family wants to use the water as part of the ceremony.  Actually, I did the exact same ceremony for the same family around five years ago for now big sister Ellie.  So the creating a ceremony part was really easy.  The amazing thing was the condition of the water.  We were having another of those rare times when the Mississippi River starts flowing backwards or something.  There was no silt at all in the water.  Beautiful, clear, blue, calm … just gorgeous.  I think the family will remember this one for a long time. 

Speaking of the family, they were very sweet.  They rented two beach houses to house them all for the occasion – maybe fifteen or so of them.  Oh, and I fell in love with the baby’s name.  Actually she had three first names.  Or would that be one first name and two middle names?  Anyway, here it is: Luna Mirela Duke, and then their last name.  Yep.  Sweet little girl with a middle name of Duke.  Gotta be a story there, right?  Well, when I first arrived she was being held by a young man who was subsequently introduced to me as none other than “Uncle Duke.”  Ah, hence the namesake.  He was also the baby’s godfather.  The way he was doting over her, that little one will have Uncle Duke’s heart and protection for a long, long time. 

Kind of reminded me of how we carry the name of Christ (“Christian”) because we have his heart and protection.

Psalms 89:1 says, “I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.”

Father, thank you for being the best God-father ever.  Thank you for your love and protection.  Amen.

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