Friday, July 13, 2018

July 13 – “Truck stop”

When I went to the fire department the other day, my intention was to take the truck.  Gotta keep it revved up.  You never know when you might need it.  Well, as I pulled up to the stop sign at the end of the street (that would be one house away from ours), the brake pedal went all the way to the floor.  The truck did stop, but even in my well-known lack of knowledge about all things mechanical, I knew that wasn’t supposed to happen.  I put it in reverse and managed to get it parked back in its usual spot in front of the house.  Didn’t have time to check it out then so I went on to the station in the new Equinox.

I checked the truck out when I got back from the station and realized that there was a pretty significant brake fluid leak.  Not something I feel at all equipped to handle or even try any more (Yes, I used to attempt such horrendous tasks in my younger years, especially when I had the assistance of a good shade-tree mechanic.  Not any more).  So, yesterday was the day.  I called AAA early in the morning and by 8:30 or so they had the truck loaded up and on its way to Dennis’ shop.  The driver was a really nice guy.  His GPS was instructing him to go down the Seawall to get there, though.  I talked him into taking Avenue S instead.  I didn’t begrudge him the chance to see the water.  I mean, after all, that’s part of why I live here.  But there would be considerably less tourist traffic on S.  But then he was from Webster.  He was a tourist.  I think he went home down the Seawall.

Ah the joys of car repairs.  This one was unique.  In such old trucks (1992) this particular part does not exist in prefabricated form.  You have to buy the strips of steel tubing and shape it into the form you need.  Sure am glad I have an artistic mechanic who enjoys working old school classic vehicles … and customers.

Psalms 81:8 says, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt.  Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.”

Father, thank you for Dennis the mechanic.  Bless him for his commitment to honesty and integrity.  Amen.

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