Tuesday, July 10, 2018

July 10 – “What’s your pet peeve?”

I got kind of stuck on a preparation point for the teaching to come up on Sunday.  I was looking through YouTube to see if there was anything interesting on the subject of pet peeves.  Now, in the first place I was stunned by the sheer number of video posts by youngsters.  And by “youngster” I mean some teenagers, sure, but also kids who looked to be maybe ten or twelve years old.  On the one hand I tip my cap to them for putting their posts together.  And not just single posts.  If I’m understanding what they are saying, these kids have created entire channels of stuff with regular broadcasts.  Pretty impressive, if you ask me. 

On the other hand I couldn’t help but wonder if their parents have any idea what their children are posting.  Oh, some of the videos were fine.  A little boring, actually.  But some of them were laced with profanity and sexual innuendo.  Not really surprising, unfortunately, considering they show up on the search engine alongside such entries as Celebrity Top Ten Pet Peeves and Letterman’s Top Ten Pet Peeves, clearly intended for adult audiences only.  Sigh.  I guess I’m just not equipped to handle the next generation information hodgepodge. 

I am still interested in pet peeves for the sermon Sunday.  I have come up with a few.  Chris would most likely say something like, “People who are too happy, cheery in the morning.”  I’m not sure where she could have discovered a pet peeve like that, though.  Besides, how can you be “too” happy?  
One of my personal ones would have to be belittling or putting down your spouse in public.  Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 
It also really bothers me for someone to lie to me.  I naturally assume that I can trust people until they teach me not to.  And then it is very difficult for me to get over. 

Anybody got any ideas for me?

Psalms 78:4 says, “We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.”

Father, thank you that we don’t have to succumb to being offended by our pet peeves.  Help us to keep that offense at bay.  Amen.

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