Wednesday, July 25, 2018

July 25 – “The case of the mysterious knock”

MTG (Mow the grass) day again yesterday.  Kind of tough on the knee, but it was way easier than letting it get really thick. 

Oh, we were called upon to play the hero.  Just as I was finishing up the weed-eating in the back yard, Cailyn called Chris.  Some days when both her parents are on shift they let her sleep in and then call us to come pick her up.  One of the perks of being two minutes away from the grandparents, I guess.  Well, as she was snuggling with her ever-present boxer companion, she heard a noise.  It sounded like someone was opening and closing cabinets.  More than a tad disconcerting to a nine-year-old. 

Of course her first call was to her Daddy.  He somewhat soothed her fears and then told her to call us to come get her.  I joined Chris on pick-up duty this time.  Hey, I had to check out this mysterious interloper.  I walked the perimeter when we arrived and everything looked secure enough.  We gathered up our charge and headed back home.

But I think we did solve the case of the mysterious knock.  Well, Chris came up with it, actually.   See, on our way into their neighborhood, who should we pass but … the trash truck.  I’m pretty sure what she heard was the trash truck faithfully knocking about on his daily rounds. 

Psalms 86:11 says, “Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.”

Father, thank you for Daddies who calm and Granddads who don’t mind walking the perimeter and Grandmother sleuths.  But thanks more for your protection, which is greater than anything we can provide.  Amen.

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