Sunday, July 1, 2018

July 1 – “The true sign”

We stuck around Waco until about 10 a.m. yesterday.  That was the result of a tough negotiation session between me and Caleb.  I told him we would be leaving around 6:30.  He insisted that was way too early (Cailyn agreed).  I countered with 6:00, but he would have nothing to do with that tactic.  He stood hard and firm at 9:45, so I relented.  He and Cailyn had some serious playing to get in before we could leave. 

Speaking of Caleb, he has decided that we need to sign up for that same cabin again next year.  Cailyn can stay in the dorms with the kids, but with us there he can come over when he wants to rest up or watch TV or … and here was the hidden true heart’s desire … so that Nani could cook him some meals when the ones at camp were really bad.  We will definitely see on that one, Caleb. 

Nathan and April arrived shortly after we did to pick Cailyn up.  You would think they missed their baby or something.  Cailyn was a mass of talking all at once as she tried to fill them in on the entire week.  Finally she took the camera and showed them visual evidence.  I made them a copy of all the photos so they could later take their time and relive the experience with her. 

When they left we hopped back in the car again and made our way to the Jamaica Beach Volunteer Fire Department find raising bash.  They had barbecue and a dessert food truck and a band for dancing and a silent auction and hundreds of the Jamaica Beach and Sea Isle neighbors hanging out.  They even had to respond to an emergency call during the festivities, so the folks could see that their dollars hard at work.  I haven’t heard how well they did, but with our very own Seasider Lauren at the helm, I’m sure it was a successful evening.

We did have to make a quick stop on the way home to pick up the birthday present for Micah.  His party is this afternoon.  Guess that means we are really home.  Not unpacking.  Not sleeping in our own bed.  Nope.  The true sign of being at home?  A trip to WalMart.  Now I can rest easy again.

Psalms 73:25 says, “Whom have I in heaven but you?  And earth has nothing I desire besides you.”

Father, it is good to be home.  Come enjoy our worship at Seaside today.  Amen.

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