Monday, June 26, 2017

June 26 – “Forty at Floyd’s”

We were invited to be a part of Christina’s surprise 40th birthday lunch yesterday.  Actually we didn’t make it in time for the surprise part, but we did get in on the celebrate part.  We joined Christina’s Dad and sister and her family and of course Kel and the rest of their family.  We met them at a place called Floyd’s in Hitchcock. 

I had never heard of the place before.  Chris said she had seen the sign for it many times on our prior jaunts into Hitchcock to watch baseball games and the like.  It was back in the area that used to be highlighted by huge pink flamingos at the entrance.  It was much further off of Highway six than I expected, but they have carved out quite a harbor and marina and upscale subdivision.  The restaurant really matched the area, too.  Very nice.  Cloth tablecloths and napkins.  Overlooking a canal.  High class dining where you don’t have to dress up.  We arrived in time to be a part of the Sunday brunch.  That meant one of the options was a guy who would make you an omelet of your choosing, another who carved prime rib, or you could choose fried shrimp or several other seafood dishes, or even ribs.  I think everybody around me chose bacon.  Oh and we did eat a few other things, but bacon … and it had some kind of glaze on it as well.  Good stuff. 

Even though it was a buffet style, we still had a waiter assigned to us.  He removed the used plates whenever someone went back for something different.  He also kept our drinks full.  And the kids immediately recognized his thick accent.  Micah figured that he must be Red Skull in disguise, German all the way.  My guess was more Eastern European, maybe Russia.  We finally asked him.  He smiled and told us, “I am born in Germany but my blood is Ukraine.  I am married to Irish lady from Baltimore.”  Nice call, Micah.  I guess we were both right.

When we first arrived and were waiting for our table to be set up, one of the waiters walked up to Micah and Josiah and started doing magic tricks with them.  Basic stuff like pulling a coin out of their ear and making their hands squeak.  Very cute stuff.  He returned toward the end of our meal and started up his antics once again.  This time, though, he was blowing up balloon animals and swords and even a big old pacifier for the young ones.  He made Christina a flower for her birthday.  And speaking of birthdays, he led us all in a round of “Happy birthday to you.”  He wasn’t happy with our singing, though.  At one point he stopped us completely and finished on his own.  In full-on opera style.  Amazing voice.  It certainly made the day memorable for me.  I hope Christina felt the same.

James 2:12-13 says, “Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!”

Father, thank you for that first daughter you gave to us when Kel got married.  We love that girl.  Take care of her and make her happy.  Amen.

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