Sunday, June 18, 2017

June 18 – “Here’s to quick recuperations”

Oh my.  Two nights ago I was awakened around 3 a.m. by the attempted emergence of a stomach bug.  Bravely, and as quietly as possible, I fought the little monster back and managed to get back in bed around 4 or 4:30.  The little dickens returned with a vengeance at 6:30, however.  Woke me from a pretty sound sleep and introduced me to my fate for the next 6 or so hours.  I stayed in the bathroom for until well after 7, at which time Chris was awake.  I treated the day like any other … except for the times (Yep, that’s plural.  I stopped counting how many) I was inspired to revisit those friendly confines of Indoor Plumbing-ville.  Not a pretty picture.

During one of my periods of relative health-dom, Chris and I went downtown to the Strand area.  There was a craft show of some kind going on, so we walked the block checking out the homemade items.  It was fun seeing a few of the crafters from Seaside’s show last year.  Chris also introduced me to one of the ladies who has been coming to the ladies Bible study on Tuesday nights.  We bought some pickles from her. Nice lady.

Right across the street from the show was that nautical salvage place we have been trying to go to.  Chris is still looking for something to use that looks nautical that will hold a box of Kleenex.  It’s a big place, and it is chock full of stuff they have salvaged from old ships.  Unfortunately, none of it fit the bill for what she has in mind.  And I have said it before.  If it is in her mind, nothing else will be good enough.  Ah, well.  I’m sure she’ll keep on looking.

Since we were in the area I texted Kel to see if he was delivering mail anywhere nearby.  We tracked him down and said hi.  He asked us to do him an interesting favor.  Wanted us to go by a certain shop and pick him up some coffee beans.  Being the incredibly wonderful parents that we are, of course we headed right over.  Interesting place.  Galveston Coffee Company, or something equally creative.  The guy running it apparently moved here from Hawaii.  The beans Kel wanted were the Hawaiian bold version.  I’ll have to taste some next time I’m at his house.  The guy running the shop also gave me a piece of gum.  He warned me, though.  Said it was the strongest mint flavor he has ever tasted, also from Hawaii.  He assured me that it would clear out my sinuses.  Grinning, I popped it in my mouth.  Let me just say … he was right.  It was powerful stuff.  I may have to go back by there just for the gum.

I was pretty worn out when we got back home.  Chris let me crash out while she worked on another quilt.  She’s trying to finish another one that she is doing by hand.  The part she’s doing now is a pretty intricate star-looking thing.  It will look pretty amazing when she gets done with it … as usual.

When I woke up we went over to WalMart (of course).  We had a very specific list.  Five items.  They only had one of the five available, though.  Not a problem for me.  I was enjoying every minute of it.  Lots and lots of tourists mean lots and lots of people-watching opportunities.  I was sinking pretty fast though.  Chris kind of hustled me out of there before any problems arose that couldn’t be handled quickly and quietly. 

I’m doing pretty well this morning.  I had a grilled cheese sandwich when we got home last night, and some toast and a banana this morning, so I think I’m good to go for this fine Sunday morning.  Bring it on.

James 1:16-17 says, “Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.  Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”

Father, thank you for quick recuperations.  Amen.

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