Saturday, April 27, 2024

April 27 - “The flurry begins”

After our two-miler (4th one in a week. That’s a record, for me anyway), we decided to make a flying trip to Waco to catch Zak and Caleb’s last track meet of the year. Fortuitously, Josh just happened to call as he was leaving the dog park with MaddieBelle. We touched base on ETA and the like. Then it was off for lunch. 

After we ate, the flurry began. Chris packed up meals for Sam. They fit right into the fridge on a lower shelf so Sam could reach them easily. I made the Walmart run to get Sam some of the flavored waters she likes as well as some Nacho Doritos. Oh, and she had some prescriptions as well. 

In the latest Walmart saga chapter, I had to go to three different checkers to get somebody to load money on a gift card. They finally sent me to the service desk. She appeared to know what she was doing, but the cash register apparently didn’t. She finally switched to a different one, and the task was finally done. Whew. 

We finally hit the road right at 1:30. The trip was blissfully uneventful. At least for me. I finished the novel I was reading. Also had a short nap, as usual. Chris’ driving was amazing, as usual. 

Once we arrived, the evening was pretty quiet. Christi’s parents were there. So was Zak’s girlfriend. We had some pizza and chatted until bedtime. All this while the NBA playoffs adorned the TV. Luke and Caleb were especially enthralled. 

This morning we head out to the state track meet. Gonna be a hot one …

Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭ says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Father, thanks for the safe trip. Please be with all these guys and girls at the track meet today. Keep them safe. Amen. 

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