Monday, April 15, 2024

April 15 - “MY Island”

I woke up at 4:30 yesterday. Guess I was excited about being so close to MY island. 

After our captain had us settled in the dock, we got to watch a Disney cruise ship do the same maneuver we had just done - a complete 180 degree turn around and parallel park into the dock space. Pretty impressive with such a massive vehicle. 

After a last breakfast in the Windjammer (buffet), we headed down to the designated holding area to await our call to be released to head on shore. 

The call finally came, and we joined a few thousand of our closest cruise companions. We followed instructions to the terminal. Facial recognition software made our exit go quick and easy. Our luggage was stacked neatly under our designated luggage number. And before we knew it, we were outside. Nathan fought the traffic to pick us up, and before long we pulled up to good ol’ home sweet home. 

No rest for the weary, though. After church Kel and his family came over with a few pizzas to hang out for the Astros game. Micah even convinced his girlfriend to join them. She’s the one with the almost-great name. Kailee. Close to “Kelley,” but just a little off. She’s a real sweetheart, though. 

We hit the sack before 10, and it was sure good to sleep in our own bed. I don’t think I moved much until woke up around 5. Well, except that time I scooted over a little to let Freddy rejoin us. Welcome home, huh, Freddy?

‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭4‬ ‭ says, Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

Father, thank you for the safe final leg back home. Amen. 

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