Thursday, April 25, 2024

April 25 - “Bittersweet ending”

I started the day with … nope. Not the hike. Not yet. First I read some in my latest novel (the newest addition to the Hunger Games series, a flashback to the earlier life of the weird games maker. I’m about halfway through. Gotta finish it so we can watch the movie that’s already out).

Then I added a few more pieces to the puzzle before Chris got up. And THEN, we went for our two-miler. That was followed by (for Chris) some more working in the back yard flower beds. I read some more and Sam and I worked for a while on the puzzle. 

I also watched a movie made in Russia. It was about a Russian pilot in World War II who was shot down over enemy territory. He had to make his way on foot through deep snow hundreds of miles. He eventually lost both feet, but he was issued prostheses and flew again. Oh, and he got the girl in the end. Bittersweet ending, huh?

Mark‬ ‭9‬:‭23‬ says, And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.”

Father, thank you for promises like that one. Help me when I have trouble really believing. Amen. 

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