Saturday, April 23, 2022

April 23 – “And finally …”

As you might have gathered … I made a return trip to the AT&T store.  But not after doing one of those computer chats with a technician online.  Not helpful.  They simply referred me to one of the articles I had already read that didn’t deal with the issue at hand.  But by yesterday morning the phones had been supposedly pairing for 20 hours and … nothing. 


This time at the store I was greeted by a young lady.  I figured I was in good hands.  She was certainly young enough to be my granddaughter, that garnered her all the tech respect she needed as far as I was concerned.  Come to find out, when I left the store the day before and exited the store’s wifi, the pairing process actually stopped.  It did not resume when we got home, as we were told it would, in spite of the fact that both phones were plugged in.  It would have, however, had I started everything from scratch.  That’s what she did for me at the store.  I decided to leave the phones in their care this time.  As I walked out the door, the girl said, “I’ll call you when it’s ready … umm … uh …”  I just grinned.  Suddenly realizing the futility of her statement, since my phone was sitting next to her on the table, she did her best to backtrack.  I bailed her out, though.  I just assured her that I would be back. 


Back at home, I helped Chris with some yardwork.  She was cleaning out one of the flowerbeds.  Yep.  That is one of those never-ending tasks.  I trimmed some bushes.  Teamwork and all that …


After about two hours, I went back to check on the phones.  Found out that it finished updating the operating system about an hour after I left, but they couldn’t continue because they didn’t have my Apple ID or password.  I entered that, and the actual transferring of everything began.  She assured me it would only take ten minutes or so.  In fact, the screen said it would be eight minutes.  It finally finished with the operable stuff about twenty or thirty minutes later.  The rest of the apps still had to download, but that could happen anywhere.  I came home and hooked back up with our wifi to get that done.  And finally, I have a new phone. 


Well, except for the fact that now I had to enter in my passwords in all the apps that I use all the time.  Oh, and I tried to use Chris’ charger last night to get it up to 100 %.  Nope.  Somehow it decided that 49% was all I needed.  Very strange.  I have it hooked up to the new one I got for free with the purchase of the phone.  Almost done already.  Super speed.  I’ll get it figured out soon enough.  Maybe by the time it is paid off in three years?


John 1:29 says, “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’”


Father, thank you for people like that young lady who helped me out at the store.  I guess we all understand different things.  Amen.

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