Friday, April 15, 2022

April 15 – “Feelin’ like a Monday”

Hmm.  April 15.  Isn’t that supposed to be some kind of special holiday or something?  Guess I’ve been out of pocket for too long.  It’ll come to me …


Well, yesterday felt a lot like a Monday to me.  Not in a sad, back-to-the-old-grind, bluesy kind of way.  It’s just that we were back at home, so I had to catch up on all the little Monday chores I have missed so desperately for the last three weeks.  I guess paramount among those was paying the bills.  We did have a few in the mail pile that I also had to wade through.  You don’t realize just how much junk mail you get from day to day until you have three weeks’ worth of it to cull through.  We also had to make a trip to WalMart.  Nothing in particular unless you want to include … food.  Our cupboard was pretty bare, so we had to make a full-size grocery run.  Guess that counted as our hike for the day.  We did run into Stephanie from church.  She had her grandson Grayson with her, and he ran over and gave each of us a hug.  That’s a fine way to be welcomed home. 


We were also blessed with an opening in our hairdresser’s schedule.  For me, I guess she would be a stylist or even a barber.  For Chris, she is hairdresser.  I don’t know what she likes to be called, other than Suzann.  She is great at what she does.  And she was especially appreciated yesterday when she found openings for both of us in her schedule.  Sure feels great to have short hair again.  It was really driving me crazy.  I guess it was fine for the cold weather we have been experiencing, but back here on the Island, I want it short.  Thanks, Suzann, for making a welcome home spot for us.


While we are on thank you’s, here’s a shout-out to our great neighbors, the Gerans’.  They took care of Freddy until Kel came and took her home with him.  But they came over every day and got our mail and newspaper.  And as an unexpected bonus, they mowed our grass.  That was a big task, too.  Not so much because we have a big yard.  It’s just that the weeds were being particularly aggressive.  Thank you , Corey and Janell, for being careful watchmen while we were gone. 


John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”


Father, thank you as well for the great friends and family you have blessed us with.  Amen.

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