Thursday, April 21, 2022

April 21 – “Great breakfast!”

Great breakfast!  No, that’s not a new cussword going around.  Chris fixed me an actual bacon and cheese omelet for breakfast.  Greta stuff.  Sam had some scrambled eggs and a banana.  Chris just stuck with scrambled eggs.  Well, her version of it, complete with all of her veggie-additions.


The two ladies took off for Sam’s follow-up appointment on her eye.  All is well there, so far.  She goes back in a week to get checked again, but in the meantime she only has to wear her eye guard at night while she sleeps.  Meanwhile Chris did some shopping.  Hobby Lobby may or may not have been involved, but no money was spent at that location.  She did, however, find a pair of sandals at J.C. Penney’s.  She’s been searching for a certain style for months, and these were on sale to boot (See what I did there?  Shoes on sale “to BOOT”?  Yuk. Yuk). 


While they were gone I did some work here, but the highlight for me was my walk to the bank.  No big deal or anything.  Just making a deposit.  But taking a walk with an actual purpose at the end?  Priceless.  Plus, it felt like I was getting some actual exercise again.  Not that I have particularly missed the 400 foot incline hikes, or anything.  Besides, I haven’t been inside the bank lobby for a long time.  They actually remembered me, though.  Even asked if I was still working at the church.  I’ll have to stop by more often. 


After lunch, Sam headed on home.  Chris and I got started watching the new Batman movie on TV.  We had no idea it was a three hour movie, though.  I guess it was pretty good, though.  Kind of dark, but it was interesting to see the development of the criminals, especially.  Catwoman and Penguin had key roles.  My favorite character, however, only had about a thirty second part, and you never could see his body – just a small portion of his face.  But, oh, that laugh.  Couldn’t be anyone but … The Joker.


Last night we watched some of the Astros game.  Odorizzi gave up six runs in the first inning and only got two outs.  And Ohtani had a perfect game into the sixth inning against the ‘Stros.  Poor guys.


John 13:14 says, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.”


Father, thanks for the good report for Sam.  Please keep on healing her eye.  Amen.

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