Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28 - “Flippin’ and choppin’ and stuff”

We made our way off early yesterday morning. Like 7 a.m. early. We said our goodbyes the night before. We actually doubled up when we said our good nights. When the kids found out what time we were leaving, they hastened to add the extra hug for goodbye. So no cruise terminal sendoff for us. Just a quiet, push the button on the garage door and step over the laser beam. See y’all next week. 

We stopped for a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit at McDonald’s. It wasn’t horrible, but Buc-ee’s biscuit is oh-so much better. We did discover a new Buc-ees treat, though. Beaver nuggets cinnamon sweet. Tastes just like caramel popcorn only crunchy and without the corn particles getting stuck in your teeth. Thanks for the tip, Josh. 

The drive home wasn’t too bad. We hit some rain. That’s how we knew we were close to home. And there was a substantial backup on I45 near the Texas City Buc-ees. Construction, of course. That set us back about fifteen minutes or so. 

We got home in plenty of time for a quick peanut butter and jelly sandwich before heading out again. This time we went clear into Alvin to see the black belt ceremony for Micah and Josiah. Pretty impressive showtime, as usual. Flipping and chopping and twirling big sticks and spinning nunchucks and breaking stuff. Never a dull moment.  Congrats to our two second degree black belts, Josiah and Micah. Oh, and also to Jesse from church and Kailey, Micah’s girlfriend, on their third degree black belt. 

Last night after the event we went over to the LaMarque Vaughan household. Christina had a tamale supper planned out. The ladies all helped in the kitchen. The rest of us (And who was that other one who occasionally peeked in on us guys as we listened to the Astros  game?). It may or may not have been … none other than Aunt Sam herself. She obviously did them some good. They came back from 5-0 to win the fame 7-6 on a walk-off home run by Alex Bregman. Good end to a good day. 

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6‬:‭12‬ says, Fight the good fight for the faith; take hold of eternal life that you were called to and have made a good confession about in the presence of many witnesses.

Father, thank you for safety today. Driving in the rain. Those kiddos doing their difficult stunts. We all needed you. Amen. 

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