Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 20 - “Elephants with chain saws”

We had yet a second day where we had to skip our walk. The day before was the meeting with the insurance adjuster. Yesterday I had an eye doctor appointment in Friendswood. I know. It’s strange how the home base of a massive outfit like UTMB can’t find an appointment for me in town. Oh, well. It was listed as a 40-45 minute drive. Start time was 9:30, though. So Chris had another early morning to be up and at ‘em. 

Aaaannd … what should happen before we could leave the house? In Sam’s words, “A herd of elephants was running through the attic.” Good description. Elephants … WITH CHAIN SAWS! 

And soon thereafter there came a knock at the front door. The elephant trainer, perhaps? Or maybe the elephant police?

No. It was just our next door neighbor. She wanted to let us know that the people she hired to cut down the two trees in their yard were here. She also wanted to make sure it was OK for them to get on our roof if they needed to. Hence ... The elephants with chain saws. 

Oh. And by the way … she was getting really stressed about the prospect of a really active hurricane season (their first living on the island), so she told them to just take down all three of the trees. “All three” included the one growing right smack in the middle of the fence. That’s the one our adjuster included in his estimate as damaged. 

Now, we aren’t sure if that means we are going to have to pay for the “fence tree” removal, since she approved it without our expressed consent. We might be on the hook for $700 or some portion thereof. But I for one am happy to have both of those trees down. Chris told her that we wouldn’t hear anything from the insurance company for three weeks. And then we would be having another conversation about putting in a new fence. 

OK. Back to the eye doctor. I received a little surprise when we checked in. They said the appointment would take about an hour and 45 minutes. Yikes! But that included dilating the old eyeballs and checking out the progress of my cataract and checking my prescription for new glasses. I even brought my broken ones to show off. 

They did all the usual optometry tests for me to get new glasses. And of course her parting shot? “Eye drops to dilate your eyes.”  Oh, and she did the glaucoma touch your eyeball test. It’s hereditary. Glaucoma, not the test. Thanks, Mom. To her credit, she was quite engaging. Great conversationalist. Umm. The tech, I mean. Although so was Mom. 

And then the ophthalmologist made her appearance to earn the “specialist” designation more expensive co-pay. She did her bright light in the eyeball tests. She checked my existing cataract and even took a look at my already-transplanted, no-cataract other eye. Everything looked “really healthy.”  Nothing further needed until next year (except new glasses, of course). 

From the doc’s office we went over to Mardel’s Christian Store to get some more birthday cards. Getting really low on them. Picked up a few other things for us as well. Actually, other than the cards, we were just killing time until Luby’s opened. 

Hey. When Luby’s is in the same parking lot and it’s lunch time … you go to Luby’s. I had liver and onions. Chris had pot pie. We even grabbed a roasted chicken plate to take home to Sam. 

Next stop - after depositing the food at home - was the UTMB glasses store. Had to get something ordered. And let me just say here … ouch. That was another expensive hit. And no insurance help on this one. Sure hope it helps me see, though. 

Ecclesiastes‬ ‭4‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭ says, Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up.

Father, thank you for the miracle of eyeglasses. I do appreciate their gift of better sight. Amen. 

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