Saturday, July 27, 2024

July 27 - “The Performances”

We were back on the Waco road again yesterday. Not in the car, though. We did our walk again. But this time we met up with a critter as we were about to turn toward home. Was it a coyote? Nope. Not in Galveston right now. Was it a mountain lion? Do they even have those here? Wait! Was it a chocolate lab? Yep. A lab named MaddieBelle, to be exact. And she was dragging her owner along with her. We joined them for the rest of their walk (for Josh) and run (for MaddieBelle).  

The afternoon was quite a full and exciting one. AnnaGrace had her final performance of the dances they worked on in Broadway Camp. One song was from Frozen and the other was from Willy Wonka, Jr. That was a room full of cuteness, to be sure. And of course a certain young Vaughan girl, who happened to be among the youngest of the performers, was also the best on the floor. Was there any doubt?

Also on tap in the afternoon and early evening was about two hours of praise and worship. Caleb’s Worship Camp ended with ten different praise bands leading in worship. And the bands were all comprised of high school students who had attended the camp. Gotta say, it was pretty amazing. Caleb played the keyboard and sang in his team. Awesome. Proud grandparents times two, for sure. 

We grabbed some pizza on the way home and enjoyed our last night together (for a week or so, anyway).  Now we’re headed back to Galveston and the South Texas Flood Zone. 

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭16‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ says, Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong. Your every action must be done with love.

Father, thank you for the kids who worked so hard this past week in worship, Broadway, and basketball camp. Give them rest now. Amen. 

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