Sunday, April 4, 2021

April 4 – “A tale of technology”

Happy Easter.  Go to church.


I thought about just leaving it at that, since we are departing at 5 a.m. for the sunrise service (Get going.  You still have time to make it).  But I actually planned ahead and saved up a blog for just such a time.  Let me tell you a tale of technology …


I got my new hearing aids the other day.  they are really nice creatures, too.  Several different features hold great promise.  In one setting the hearing aids themselves can choose from the type of environment around me and automatically select what they think is the best level of amplification.  On another they can focus my hearing on people behind me for when I am in the front seat of a car.  It’s sister setting allows me to choose a direction I want to listen in and focuses on that.  For instance, if we are in the car, I can pick the direction that points my ear toward Chris so I can block out road noise and focus on what she is saying.  Or, as our kids pointed out, I can “accidentally” choose the wrong direction and never hear a word she says.  That would be so amazing, though.  On the other hand, I can already do that.  (Wait.  Did I actually type that thought?)  A fourth setting is for when I want to listen to music.  I tried that one the other day on my walk.  Listened to music through my phone and directly into my ears.  Amazing.  The fifth one is my favorite.  The doc who fitted me is a PhD in audiology.  She developed a selection that can magically transform the gobbledy gook that comes forth from underneath a mask into discernable speech.  I admit I had my doubts about it at first, but when they finally turned it on, I was floored.  I have used that one quite a bit in our mask-laden society today.


Now if someone can just invent a smile that pierces from the depths of mask-dom.  


1 Chronicles 16:2-3 says, “Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts.  Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.”


Father thank you gain for the amazing miracle that are happening in my head every day.  Well, in my ears, anyway.  Amen.

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