Sunday, April 25, 2021

April 25 – “Taming the Triple-B”

I finished up work on the sermon early morning yesterday.  Meanwhile, Chris worked in the yard.  Gotta admit, I was a little antsy about it, too.  Not that I said anything.  Working in the yard is probably one of her favorite things in the whole world to do.  But in the back of my head is a certain memory.  See, working in the back yard is where this whole heart thing started last summer.  Well, I guess it started sometime long before that, but we first discovered something was wrong when she passed out back there a few times. 


She policed herself pretty well, though.  She did get pretty hot at times, but when she did, she backed off and took a break and sat in the shade.  And she was wearing a cap, which is also a new experience for her.  She even called me out to help her at one point.  She was trimming back the part of that dreaded Triple B, the Bougainvillea Booger Bush (That’s the one with the inch long thorns that attack you) and couldn’t get the thicker branches cut through with the loppers.  Good to feel needed.  While I was out there I went ahead and deposited the pile of cut branches into the trash can.  No, really, I did.  I have the scratches up and down my arms to prove it.  Well, you can’t actually see them now, but they were there.  Really.  So … in the long run she didn’t do nearly as much as she is used to.  She was kind of frustrated about that, but I was glad she took it kind of easy. 


Speaking of yard work, we had quite the storm Friday night.  Not that it woke us up or anything.  I for one never heard a thing.  So how did I know?  Two things.  The grass was pretty wet.  Of course that sometimes happens with heavy dew or fog.  But the more tell-tale sign was all the small sycamore branches strewn about the front yard.  I got most of them picked up and deposited on top of our neighbor’s huge pile of cut-down-tree. 


Revelation 7:10 says, “And they cried out in a loud voice: ‘Salvation belongs to our God. Who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.’”


Father, it’s good to see Chris back doing what she loves.  It’s also a little scary to see her doing it, so thank you for watching over her out in the yard yesterday.  Amen.

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