Saturday, April 17, 2021

April 17 – “Weddings and baseball”

Two experiences from yesterday warrant at least a mention here today.  First, I am performing a wedding later this morning at Seaside.  Actually in the building, for a change.  Most weddings I have done are on the beach or somehow outside.  Not this one.  The couple is a little older.  They have been there, done that on the whole outside thing.  Good thing, too.  It is 63 degrees this morning.  As Chris just said, “For some reason, winter doesn’t want to give up.”  So yesterday I went to the church for the wedding rehearsal.  Now, Jim had let them in earlier in the day so they could do a little chair re-arranging and decorating.  Well, those folks completely transformed the room.  It looked like a wedding chapel.  Even the chairs were covered with some kind of blue material.  And the chairs were reconfigured to make room for a center aisle.  It was impressive.  The rehearsal itself, as is the case with most of them, lasted about fifteen minutes.  No children involved, so things move along quickly.  They will do just fine today.


From the church I went straight to the Ball High baseball game.  They were hosting a reunion of the 1971 baseball team (the year I graduated).  I hoped to get there in time to see some of the guys I went to school with and played summer ball with.  I got there just as they were being called onto the field.  Each of them was introduced and threw out a ceremonial first pitch to one of the current Tors players.  That was kind of fun to watch.  Ten or so balls flying in all directions.  Let’s just say, not all of the guys have kept up with their arm strength.  I did get to say hi to most of the ones I knew from way back when, and I stayed to watch the game (Ball High lost 6-3).  I didn’t go to the after party, though.  Instead I stopped over at the Little League field to watch our neighbor Brennan play a game there.  He is usually an infielder, but instead he was put in left field.  Tough transition.  I don’t know how his game ended up.  I left when the rain completely covered my glasses and I couldn’t see anyway. 


So … weddings and baseball.  See?  I’ve said it for years.  Baseball goes with anything.


1 Timothy 6:12 says, “Fight the good fight of the faith.  Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”


Father, please be with the guys from that 1971 team.  Keep them healthy and happy and draw the closer to you.  Amen.

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