Sunday, November 3, 2019

November 3 – “It’s gone …”

I ran into another one of those crises of epic proportions trying to upload the Saturday final review sermon update changes to the cloud so I can access it from my iPad.  Problem?  The iPad couldn’t find the file.  It was lost somewhere up there in the clouds.

I played with it for a long time trying to find the missing link.  Too long, I guess.  Suddenly the entire folder full of sermons, home group Bible studies, special event teaching notes … the entire file of everything I had ever backed up to the cloud … it was gone.  In an instant.  Deleted.  And the worst part is, I have no idea what I did to cause it to happen.  What button was it that caused such a catastrophe?

Fortunately the files were all still on my computer hard drive.  Thank goodness for old school.  I went back in and did the whole drag and drop routine.  It seemed to be going fine, so I left it to its own devices and went to watch some college football.  Go Underdogs. 

When I returned a few hours later I assumed everything was fine.  The folder icons were all present.  Everything looked ready to go.  So I went.  I tried again to pull the particular sermon file I wanted onto the iPad.  Same notice.  Couldn’t find it.  But this time the reason was a little different.  This time it was in use somewhere else.  I thought I had somehow made the whole situation worse.  It was operator error, but not a full blown, toss the computer out the window error.  It had simply not had enough time to finish downloading all the files.  A closer look revealed that several of the folders, including the one containing the file I wanted, were there but empty.  OK.  Finally a problem I knew how to deal with.  I spent the next thirty minutes or so loading up each folder individually from my hard drive. 

Aaaaaaannnd … it worked.  Best I can tell, the iPad knows where everything is now.  I should be able to access it, come time for today’s teaching.  But … I ran a hard copy backup just in case.  That’s what I get for trying to transition into the 20th century.  Oh, wait.  That should be the 21st century, shouldn’t it?  I’m still behind.  Sigh …

Matthew 5:10 says, “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Father, I do appreciate the genius you granted to those who figured out how do get these computers to work.  It really has made work easier.  Please grant me the patience to learn how to interact with the results of that genius.  Amen.

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