Sunday, November 10, 2019

November 10 – “A flour ... what?”

We had a visit from Cailyn yesterday.  Mom was at work and Dad was sleeping.  He has finally started his actual shift work at the plant. 

So, Cailyn texted Chris even before we were out of the bed.  She asked Chris, “When did you wake up?”  I coached a response, advising her to return with, “7:30.”  Here’s the thing … it was 7:15 at the time.  Cailyn was sufficiently confused.  We got up and headed over to pick her up.  Freddy was bouncing around at the front door, thinking she was for some insane reason supposed to come with us.  We are a couple of suckers, so come with us she did.  And to her credit she ran straight to the car and jumped in (Freddy, not Chris.  Although Chris did the same). 

The girls immediately set to cooking breakfast when we got home (Chris and Cailyn, not Freddy).  Pancakes and bacon.  Or bacon and pancakes, depending on your quisine-al perspective.  Good stuff.  Hard to beat bacon and … pretty much anything.

Cailyn and I watched a Hallmark movie.  She appears to like them as much as I do.  Hey, even Jachin and Micah get a kick out of watching them.  At least with me.  As is our custom, we might have provided additional commentary for the final kiss. 
“They luuuuuvvv each other.”
“They’re kissing each other.”
“They want to get married.”
“Kissy, kissy, kissy.”
And Cailyn’s favorite, “They’re smushing their faces together.”
Such a romantic experience … sigh.

Later in the day Chris and Cailyn (Not Freddy) made some sugar cookies (or snickerdoodles, in my book.  They had cinnamon on top).  Nothing quite like a fresh-out-of-the-oven snickerdoodle.  But the highlight of the afternoon came during the cookie preparation time.  Seems someone had spilled just a tiny bit of flour on the counter.  Rumor has it that it was Nani.  Being the good husband that I am, I decided during one of my jaunts through the kitchen to supervise the culinary activities that I would be of assistance.  So I picked up the piled of flour.  Well, at least some of it.  Have you ever tried to pick up flour?  What happened next is somewhat of a blur.  Someone may or may not have started a flour fight in the kitchen.  All I know is, my efforts at assistance ended in a few faces full of flour and a broom in my hand.  Let’s leave it at that, shall we?

Matthew 5:7 says, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”

Father, thank you for flour fights and mushy movies.  Great bonding opportunities.  Amen.

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