Friday, November 1, 2019

November 1 – “Ho. Ho. Ho …”

Our annual Halloween Party is in the books once again.  This year we ended up hosting at least 33 people at one time or another for pizza, hot chocolate, cider (thanks to Kathy), chips and dips (thanks to Sam), and of course, plenty of candy.  The 200 plus New Testaments we had went really fast.  Thank you to the Heaven’s Saints Biker Gang that provided them.  We also had 300 DVD’s of several of the Jesus movies.  We have a few of those left over because we were making a concerted effort to just give one per family.  The DVD’s were a big hit with the teenagers who came by.  The little guys were especially happy to get the “little books.”  Parents were appreciative on both counts. We had one little bitty guy dressed as a fire fighter. He got my yearly grand prize: a plastic fire hat filled to the gills with a New Testament, a DVD, and lots and lots of candy.

Costumes abounded this year.  The Collins family was decked out in make-up, and Josh even had a dragon on his shoulder with a long tail that was deadly when it smacked you in the face (Not that I am speaking by personal experience or anything).  Sam was dressed head to toe in a cow costume (By “toe” I mean she had on some very loud toe socks with her regulation flip flops).  John and Taylor and Little Gus were all one big happy scarecrow family.  There were several students of Hogwarts School of Magic (Brennan and Alexis).  I remember a brightly colored (with actual lights) butterfly (Lexie).  We were visited by superheroes and movie bad guys.  There were some (more than I care to mention) that I had no idea what their costume was supposed to be, but they were certainly impressive (Cailyn’s fell into this category.  Harley Quinn?  The Queen of Spades from Alice in Wonderland?  An evil clown from a black and white universe?).

We met some more of our neighbors.  One young couple lives just around the corner.  Mom had a little one named Titus all bundled up under her coat.  Great to see more and more young families returning to take over for all of us old coots.  Hope they keep the neighborhood’s reputation going as the best place to live in Galveston. 

We also had a FaceTime call from the Halloweeners in Waco.  AnnaGrace was sporting her princess costume (of course).  Luke was decked out in some kind of Lego knight-looking garb.  Zak was dressed as an aspiring young basketball superstar.  Caleb looked like Fonzie (Don’t know who that is?  Ask your mother). 

There was one other special appearance, though.  Santa Claus showed up to greet the kids and introduce them to his special friends who were giving away candy.  It was a lot of fun watching the youngest ones’ faces light up.  One in particular was The Flash.  He was streaking ahead of his parents, racing toward our house.  He looked up and saw Santa and stopped dead in his tracks.  He looked at Santa.  He turned back to his parents.  He looked at Santa again.  It was as if his feet were suddenly stuck, sunk into the concrete of the sidewalk.  His parents caught up with him, and ushered him gently past good ol’ Santa, the youngster staring in awe at the unexpected spectacle before him.  Many of the kids wanted to know if that was the real Santa.  Several of the older kids and teenagers wanted to make sure they put in a good word for themselves for the upcoming season.  Santa just assured them all that, “Your parents weren’t kidding.  Santa sees all.  Even at Halloween.”  Ho.  Ho.  Ho …

Matthew 12:18 says, “Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations.”

Father, thank you for all the little guys who came by last night.  Please use the Bibles and DVD’s to touch some hearts.  Amen.

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