Saturday, August 31, 2019

August 31 – “It makes a difference”

Electrician Jim made another appearance at church yesterday.  He was still trying to track down the issue causing us to have no lights.  He did find some whole new problems, but nothing that would be related to the immediate issue.  He recommended calling in the big guns and letting a professional track it down.  That guy is coming this morning around nine.  Guess that’s how I’ll spend my Saturday.

Yesterday afternoon I was going to go fishing.  I got all my gear out of the garage and put the first of it into the truck.  That’s when something made me stop for a second.  I got into the truck and started it up.  Except it didn’t.  Start up, I mean.  It was deader than a doornail.  No fishing today. 

I hooked up the jumper cables to the car and tried to get it rolling that way.  Nothing.  I checked the connection.  A little better.  At least it cranked for a few seconds.  It finally took just letting it charge for a long time before it cranked and caught and started up.  I let it run for a good thirty minutes while I caught up on the news about Hurricane Dorian and all my other FaceBook friends.  Best I could tell … one little overhead light appears to have been left on, and that drained the battery.  It’s amazing that such a tiny little thing can cause such devastation.  Reminded me of what that first little sin can do to a person spiritually …

2 Corinthians 4:18 says, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

Father, help me and those around me be wary of the little things that do make a difference in the long run – both positively and negatively.  Amen.

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