Thursday, August 29, 2019

August 29 – “The Dream …”

Well, yesterday was boring, but I woke up this morning to an unusual dream sequence.  It started with the song I found myself singing to myself.  Ever done that?  Woke up with a song in your head that just won’t go away?  At least this time it wasn’t “Baby Shark, doo doo doo doo doo.”  Hah.  Now you have that one flying around your frontal lobe.  Nope.  This time for me it was “This Land is Your Land.”  I know.  Classic, right? 

Well, while I silently bellowed out the chorus, I was involved in a pretty significant fishing expedition.  I was on a boat.  I had already made one amazing catch.  No, not a spec.  Not a redfish.  Not a flounder.  Nothing so … simple.  My catch was a perfectly formed, not a scratch on it plastic replica of the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars.  Kel had one when he was a tyke.  It was flopping around on the deck next to me when the captain said to reel in all lines so he could move to a different site.  Oh, and speaking of the captain … I can’t be sure, because it was a dream, after all, but I think his name was Captain Jon.  In any event, I prayed for the only Captain Jon I know of …

I dutifully grabbed my pole and went to follow his orders when I realized my reel had no handle to it.  No way to reel in the line.  And on top of that the pole was bending over as if I had another nice catch.  Undeterred, I set the pole down and began pulling in the catch by hand.  It was exciting stuff.  The captain in the background urging me to hurry up or he would cut the line and just leave it.  Me pulling with all my might to get whatever creature was on the other end of the line close enough to the boat so I could grab it and pull it on board.  Would I make it in time?  Would the line break leaving me in suspense as to what in the world could possibly have been dangling out there?  Would Captain Jon simply take off, ready or not?

Now if this were a Thursday night Bible study dream, it would have simply ended there with the admonition to return next week for the rest of the story.  But this one has a different ending.  The captain waited for me, and sure enough I managed to wrangle the critter onto the boat.  And what was the catch this time?  Well, I don’t know what it was called, but it was another Star Wars space vehicle.  Bigger than the Falcon, to be sure.  And in perfect condition.  It was the ship that was shaped like a cross that had no business flying through the universe.  I looked it up, and I think it was the one called B-wing.

So what’s the dream interpretation here?  Anybody?  Is it a cry from the deepest recesses of my soul that I need to go fishing?  Or perhaps a longing from within to take another trip?  A long trip …

Psalms 91:2 says, “I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’”

Father, thanks for the fun dream last night.  Guess you knew I had nothing to write about today.  Amen.

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