Friday, August 16, 2019

August 16 – “Song included”

I spent a good deal of the day yesterday trying to cull my way through our Alaska pictures.  The plan is to get them down to a more manageable number.  That goal is proving quite difficult, since we started with over 2600 photos.  Hey, my wife is a prolific photographer.  Anyway, I just got as far as Fairbanks, preparing to fly back to Anchorage.  Almost half way.

Cailyn came over.  She had some homework to do.  She is entering fifth grade this year, which in the Galveston system is middle school.  She was accepted into the advanced program, and part of that honor was an assignment to be completed over the summer.  Great fun, right?  Summer homework.  She had two parts to her assignment.  One was a math packet.  I think she got that one done without too much trouble.  The other part involved reading a book.  Not too difficult.  But then she had to write a summary of it.  Also not too difficult.  And then she had to somehow transcribe that summary, along with illustrations of the book cover and made-up book jacket illustrations, onto a … ready for this one?  Onto a t-shirt.  She finished her last colorful illustrations yesterday.  I saw the t-shirt as it stands so far, by the way.  Her Mom helps her to somehow iron on the summary and illustrations.  They are both quite the little artists.

Cailyn also had volleyball camp last night.  She started that sport along with softball.  She is working to get a handle on her serve, but like any good athlete, she seems to have a knack for knowing what she’s supposed to do and where she’s supposed to be.  Oh, and it looks like she is having fun.  That would be the most important thing.

We started home group back up last night.  It was really good to see everybody again.  I had the Alaska pictures I have culled out so far going as a slide show when everyone arrived.  Probably could have just done that.  Well, that and enjoyed the cake Sam brought.  I’m not so sure about the card she presented to me for my birthday, though.  It was one of those song-included kinds.  And the “song included” was Happy Birthday to You, of course.  Sounds so sweet so far, doesn’t it.  Well, the only thing is, the song was sung by … cats.  Cat’s meowing.  And images of cats all over the card itself.  It was a cat extravaganza.  Let’s just say … it is rather well-known around here that I am not a cat person.  But good ol’ Sam.  She saw the card and just knew it was the one for me.  Thanks, Sam.  I love you, too. 

2 Thessalonians 3:3 says, “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”

Father, thank you for the folks involved in home group.  More family.  They are a great gift from you.  Amen.

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